Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A is for Awkward, B is for Bright

This Valentine's Day I dressed to impress...myself.  A brief break from winter (which, as of yesterday, has ended) allowed an outfit as seasonally inappropriate as this.  Plus, I had a (group) date with Issa Rae at Brazos Bookstore.  

On a book tour to promote The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, Issa Rae (who sounds and acts EXACTLY like I'd expect after watching her web series of the same name) read an excerpt from the book, answered questions from the audience and then signed copies.  I arrived at the bookstore an hour and 15 minutes before the event time so I got a prime seat.  I also got to meet this retired couple who sat next me and I had a lovely chat with the missus. 

However, that prime seat resulted in a non-prime place in line for the book signing after .  All those darn late people standing in the back beat me.  While waiting in line I tried to think of what I would say to Issa Rae once it was my turn.  I thought I would share with her that I would watch her web series and think to myself "No, I don't believe her.  Issa Rae is functionally and hilariously awkward.  I'm actually awkward.  Plainfully and painfully so."

My heartbeat quickened just as I was to walk up to the table.  Everything I had spent the last 15 minutes planning in my head disappeared.  Issa Rae threw me off (ha!) by thanking me for waiting in such a long line and I responded in a nervous babble about my prime seat rationale. How awkward!  Then it was signed, sealed, photographed, goodbye, the end.  
It was still great!

B is for Bright: Rundown on the Rainbow
Why has it taken me 8 months to finally wear this foine yellow blazer?!! (smh).  The watercolor skirt/tank pairing has been waiting for a special occasion because I didn't ever want to look too cute for no reason.  That's the worst (not really, but you know).  It's a simple combination, I think, made happier with the brightest colors I could find. 

What I'm wearing:
H&M teal tank // Zara Basics blazer // Walter by Walter Baker skirt // BCBGeneration wedges // Kate Spade "pocketbook" // JewelMint Flora necklace

Happy Tuesday!
Other link-a-dinks:
Brazos Bookstore
Issa Rae

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